Liposuction Specialist
Liposuction is a popular procedure for both women and men to remove localized fat that does not respond to exercise and dieting. The focus of liposuction is shaping the body rather than weight loss. The art of liposuction for body contouring involves selecting the right technique for each patient to remove unwanted fat while keeping desired shape and curves.
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What are the Benefits
of Liposuction?
- Removes unwanted fat in areas that may have been there your entire life
- Removes fat from areas that do not respond to dieting or exercise
- Shapes and contours your body, giving you better proportions
- You can feel better about your appearance and more confident with your new look
Am I a Candidate
for Liposuction?
- You have localized areas of fat deposits
- You are in relatively good shape, healthy, and near your ideal weight or BMI
- You have good skin elasticity and skin tone in the areas you want treated with liposuction
- You do not have excessive loose skin in the areas that you wish to have liposuction
- You want to fit better in clothes, look better, and be more proportioned
- You understand that liposuction is for the removal of localized fat and is not a weight loss procedure
What are the commom areas
Treated With Liposuction?
Any area with unwanted fat can potentially be treated with liposuction, and multiple areas are often targeted during the same procedure. Radiofrequency technology (BodyTite® or FaceTite®) can be combined with liposuction to help remove extra fat and tighten skin. During your consultation, ask Dr. Lo about your areas of concern and he will make recommendations for you.
The following are the most common areas treated with liposuction:
- Abdomen: Flatten your abdomen by removing stubborn belly fat
- Hips: Slim the “love handles” on the sides of your hips that may bulge over your pants
- Flanks: Reduce fat on the sides of your midsection between your ribs and hips for a smaller waist
- Thighs: Slim down your outer thigh “saddlebags,” inner thigh jiggle, and fat on the front and back of the thighs (circumferential thigh liposuction)
- Buttocks: Reduce the size of your butt and enhance its shape
- Knees and calves: Remove stubborn fat to improve the contours of your lower legs
- Arms: Slim jiggly, hanging upper arm fat
- Back: Smooth back fat along the bra line, fat creases at the back of the waist, and other fat rolls on the back
- Face and neck: Contour the face and eliminate a double chin
Dr. Lo’s Liposuction Techniques
The liposuction technique Dr. Lo chooses to perform on each patient is determined by the areas to be treated and the amount of the fat to be removed.
Tumescent Liposuction
The tumescent technique involves the injection of a saline solution containing a local anesthetic and epinephrine into the treatment area(s) prior to removing the fat.
The benefits of the tumescent liposuction technique are:
- Helps to loosen the fat before removal by the liposuction cannula
- Reduces bleeding and bruising
- Minimizes pain during and after the liposuction procedure
Ultrasonic Liposuction
Ultrasonic-assisted liposuction (UAL) is a technique where energy in the form of ultrasound waves is used to liquefy the fat before suctioning is performed.
The benefits of the ultrasonic liposuction technique are:
- Tumescent solution is still used, giving you all the benefits of the tumescent technique
- Provides a gentler way of removing fat
- Useful in areas where the fat is thicker or more fibrous
- Useful in the abdomen, back, and chest in men
Power-Assisted Liposuction
Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) is a technique that uses oscillating cannulas that move back and forth to remove the fat.
The benefits of this technique are:
- Tumescent solution is still used, giving you all the benefits of the tumescent technique
- Useful in areas where the fat is thicker or more fibrous
- Can achieve a more complete removal of fat in a specific area in a gentler fashion
- Useful in the abdomen, back, and chest in men
- Useful for treating an area for the second time
Radiofrequency-Assisted Liposuction
If your skin elasticity is below average, then Dr. Lo may use radiofrequency treatment during your liposuction surgery to decrease the risk of loose skin afterward. The device used is called BodyTite®. It is a probe that treats underneath and on top of your skin to remodel the collagen and cause skin contraction. The use of this technology can enhance your liposuction result.
What Does Liposuction Surgery Involve?
Your Liposuction Consultation
A consultation with Dr. Lo is required before your liposuction surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Lo will discuss your fat removal goals for the procedure, evaluate your situation, and give you recommendations for your liposuction surgery.
Where Are the Incisions for Liposuction?
The incisions (“cuts”) and resulting scars will be very small (no more than ⅓ of an inch). The incisions will be placed as hidden as possible near the liposuction treatment areas. Usually, the scars heal like a fine line and can barely be seen, but their visibility will depend on how well you heal.
How Is Liposuction Done?
During a liposuction procedure, the liposuction cannula (metal probe) used for removal of fat is moved back and forth in a controlled motion to loosen the fat. Using suction created by a vacuum machine, the fat is removed through small openings in the tip of the cannula and travels through the cannula and tubing to a collection container that is part of the liposuction machine. The cannulas are available in different diameters and have different shapes to ensure optimal fat removal and contouring for each patient.
What Can I Expect After
Liposuction Surgery?
Liposuction surgery is an outpatient procedure, but Dr. Lo recommends that someone stay with you for the first night after surgery to assist with your recovery. Your incisions will be covered with a gauze dressing, and you will be wearing a compression garment. You will be allowed to remove the dressing in 24 hours, at which point you can shower, but it is important to continue to wear your compression garment after your shower.
You should rest and take it easy during the initial days of your recovery. You do not want to overexert yourself, but you do want to get on your feet as soon as possible to ensure proper blood circulation.
When Can I Return to
Work and Exercise After Liposuction?
Most patients feel up to returning to work after a few days, and you should be able to start light exercise in one to two weeks. Your recovery timeline will depend on the extent of your liposuction procedure and other factors that you will discuss with Dr. Lo.
How Long After
Liposuction Will I See Results?
The day after surgery, when the compression garment is removed to allow bathing, you will see your new body shape and contour. Thereafter, it will take a few weeks to a few months for all the swelling and bruising to resolve and the final result to be seen.
It is important to wear the compression garment as instructed. Exercise will help to speed up healing and resolution of the swelling. Massage may also be recommended.
Your contour and shape will continue to improve over weeks and months as your body heals. It is important to maintain fitness and a healthy diet since weight gain can alter an otherwise good result. As you continue with your exercise and weight control, your improved body contour will reflect the healthy and active life you lead.
Other Liposuction FAQs
How long does liposuction surgery take?
Liposuction takes one to two hours to complete. This will depend on the number of areas treated.
Where is liposuction surgery performed?
Dr. Lo performs his liposuction surgeries in the safety and sterility of the Pennsylvania Hospital Tuttleman Surgery Center, Pennsylvania Hospital, or accredited surgery centers in the region. Liposuction is an outpatient surgery, so you are able to go home the same day.
What type of anesthesia is used for liposuction?
You have a choice of anesthesia for your liposuction surgery:
- Local anesthesia: numbs only the area being treated, and you are awake for the procedure
- Twilight sedation (the most popular option): uses local anesthesia to numb the area being treated while intravenous medications are used to make you more comfortable
- General anesthesia: puts you completely to sleep for the duration of the procedure
Is liposuction surgery painful?
After liposuction surgery, your pain should be minimal to moderate. Most patients just take TYLENOL® or acetaminophen for the pain. Dr. Lo will write you a prescription for a stronger pain medication, if needed.
The purpose of the compression garment is to support the area that was treated with liposuction. The garment helps in controlling swelling and avoiding loose skin. You are encouraged to wear the garment as much as possible, usually at least 20 out of 24 hours each day. The compression garment may be taken off to allow bathing or showering and to allow the skin to breathe for about four hours per day.
The compression garment should be worn underneath your clothing for about one to three months after your liposuction procedure.
Will liposuction help my cellulite?
Liposuction does not correct cellulite or dimpling of the skin that often appears on the thighs, hips, and buttocks. Some patients notice improvement of their cellulite after liposuction, but this is unpredictable.
What are the risks of liposuction surgery?
Complications after liposuction surgery are not common. Risks include bleeding, infection, temporary or permanent loss of feeling to your skin, and loose, lumpy, or uneven skin contour.
How much does liposuction cost?
The cost of liposuction surgery ranges from $6,200 to $8,450 depending on the number of areas treated. This liposuction price includes Dr. Lo’s rate and the hospital and anesthesia fees. However, it does not include prescription medications, dressing/bandage supplies, or compression garments.
Liposuction surgery is a highly specialized surgical procedure, and the overall cost of your operation will vary depending on your specific needs.
Payment and financing options for liposuction are available.
How do I choose a plastic surgeon for my liposuction?
Selecting your plastic surgeon is one of the most important decisions to make once you’ve decided to undergo liposuction. Plastic surgeons are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). This certification ensures that the surgeon has met rigorous academic, professional, and ethical standards and is highly qualified to perform your surgery. Before choosing a liposuction plastic surgeon, it is recommended that you do research and ask questions to ensure that you feel comfortable. Ask to see their liposuction before and after photos to make sure you are happy with the results.
Dr. Adrian Lo is a top board-certified plastic surgeon in Philadelphia. He is a member of The Aesthetic Society (ASAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). He is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS).
Go to Dr. Lo’s before & after liposuction photo gallery. He can also show you more liposuction patient photos during your consultation.
Want to Find Out More
About Liposuction in Philadelphia?
If you are interested in learning more about liposuction, contact Dr. Lo by calling (215) 829-6900 or by filling out our online contact form. Dr. Lo offers liposuction for patients in the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, including the cities of Philadelphia, Marlton, Cherry Hill, and Mount Laurel.
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Contact UsLocations
Philadelphia Cosmetic Surgery
301 South 8th Street, Suite 3H,
Philadelphia PA 19106
New Jersey Cosmetic Surgery
990 Route 73 North
Marlton, NJ 08053
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