Are you a man who looks in the mirror and wonders where the time has gone? You’ve slowly gained weight over the years, leaving you with love handles, a soft belly, and the dreaded “man boobs.” Women often undergo a Mommy Makeover to address the toll that aging and raising kids has taken on their bodies—so why can’t dads do the same?
A Daddy Makeover addresses some of the places on a man’s body that won’t respond to diet and exercise. It can get rid of excess skin and tissue so that you sport a more sculpted physique. Some of the procedures designed to address your “dad bod” include abdominal contouring and chest contouring. Don’t worry if you’re not actually a dad; male plastic surgery is for any man looking to boost his self-esteem.

Abdominal Contouring
Once upon a time, you may have had time to spend at the gym working on a flat stomach and six-pack abs. However, as you get older and busier, it gets harder and harder to find time for the gym, and suddenly, you’re fighting a losing battle against weight gain and stubborn fat. The result is a flabby belly and noticeable love handles, and no amount of ab exercises can get rid of them. Abdominal contouring using liposuction can be performed in several ways, depending on your needs and desired results.
Tumescent Liposuction
Traditional (tumescent) liposuction involves the injection of a saline solution into the targeted area. It helps loosen the fat prior to removal, and the epinephrine and anesthetic in the solution minimize post-surgical pain and reduce bleeding and bruising.
Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)
PAL liposuction uses oscillating cannulas to remove excess fat and is especially useful for removing fat in a man’s abdomen, back, and chest. The vibration of the cannulas loosens the fat, making it easier to remove deposits that are thicker and more fibrous.
Ultrasonic Liposuction
Ultrasonic liposuction is also beneficial for use in removing fat from a man’s abs, back, and chest, as well as thicker fat deposits. Waves of ultrasound energy liquefy the fat, making removal easier and gentler.
Additionally, if you have loose skin on your abdomen from weight loss or gravity, Dr. Lo may recommend a procedure to eliminate the problem. Radiofrequency treatments can tighten skin with mild laxity, while a mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck can address more significant issues.
Chest Contouring
No man wants to feel self-conscious when spending time at the beach or pool or even just wearing an everyday shirt. Even though you may have a surplus of extra volume in your chest, you’re not alone. Gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, affects up to 65% of men and boys and is most often caused by a hormone imbalance. Two factors contribute to this: aging and the natural decline in testosterone combined with an increase in body fat (which stimulates estrogen production). The result is gynecomastia and the embarrassment that goes with it. Depending on the extent of your gynecomastia, it can be addressed using liposuction, gland removal, male breast reduction, or a combination of those.
For chest contouring liposuction, a small incision is made in the armpit, which hides any scar. The liposuction tool is used to remove fat and sculpt your chest into a more masculine shape.
Gland Removal
Gynecomastia is a condition where you have excess breast tissue, also called glandular tissue. Removing those glands is done using a small incision hidden by the areola and results in a smoother, flatter chest.
Male Breast Reduction
In severe cases of gynecomastia, you may have sagging skin on your chest along with excess breast tissue. Male breast reduction involves the removal of loose skin as well as glandular tissue. It can also include a repositioning of the nipples if necessary to achieve a more natural-looking, masculine chest.
Learn More About a Daddy Makeover in Philadelphia
Plastic surgery isn’t something that is only for women—men deserve to feel attractive and comfortable in their skin as well. Dr. Adrian Lo is an expert in the nuances of male plastic surgery, and will skillfully transform you back into the confident man you’re meant to be. To schedule a consultation, call 215-829-6900 or fill out the online contact form.